Colfax Run 2023

As we strive to expand our reach beyond the animal rescue community, we are excited to announce our 8th year as a charity team at the Colfax Marathon races. We invite you to join us as our charity partner on Saturday, May 20, 2023, in Denver, CO, for the dog and stroller friendly 5k. Then, on Sunday, May 21, we encourage you to participate in the Urban 10, Half Marathon, Marathon, and Marathon Relay. The Colfax Marathon races are the largest running event in the Rocky Mountains and collaborate with over 200 nonprofits. As the second largest race in the U.S., second only to the New York City Marathon, we are thrilled to be part of such a momentous occasion and hope you will join us!


Choosing No Kill Colorado as your Charity Partner and creating a donation site for your friends and family to support you is a breeze! Simply register for a race and select No Kill Colorado as your charity on the entry form. We will then send you an email with information on how to set up your fundraising page.

2017 Colfax Run NKC Team

2017 Colfax Run NKC Team

Run with us!

When you register, be sure to select No Kill Colorado as the charity you are supporting!  

When you run in any of the races over the weekend, NKC's logo will automatically be added to your race bib to show off that you are running for a non-profit organization dedicated to saving the lives of every healthy and treatable homeless pet in Colorado!


Click and go to teh fundraiser page. Look for this at the bottom of the page to start your own fundraiser!

Set up a Fundraising Page!

To show our appreciation, we are excited to offer a Free Galunker book to those who initiate a No Kill Colorado fundraiser with us and receive at least one donation from a family or friend! This is your chance to make a difference and receive a special reward for your efforts.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to make a difference and receive a Galunker book. Visit ColoradoGives365 to kickstart your fundraiser today, regardless of whether you plan to participate in the event. Sign up on ColoradoGives365 with your fundraising page and share it with us. Let's work together to achieve our goals and save lives!

Come Support Us!

We are so grateful for all our runners who have participated with us in the past! We really hope you will join us this year! Click here for more info.

Stand on the sidelines, and cheer on our runners! Bring your pups, and make some noise! There will be music and it will be a great time for everyone!!
Don't forget to stop by our booth to say hi! We have some adoptable friends for you to snuggle with!